A thousand miles..wow that's great sound i think...my life, ur life and definitely our life have a thousand, million and infinite secret that we does not know...life is so precious, appreciate for what our LORD give us, health, soul, spirit, love, siblings, mom n dad, healthy body n mind, n so on, but my friend, if u have a problem n facing a difficulties, please remember that we are not alone, Allah SWT our Lord, The Greatest, Most Powerfull give us the most precious guidance that is Holy Quran, Al Hadis n definitely ISLAM the way of our life....Subhan Allah..not all of us in this world have it ...when u want to cry, and trying,searching for someone to lend their shoulder to cry on...please remember that there have a reason why it is happened to you..someone had told me this...
(so Verily , with the hardships there is relief, verily, with the hardship, there is relief.)(Ash-Sharh 94:5-6)
there is relief...setiap kesulitan ada kemudahan...it comes together isn't...the best way how to reduce your pain, stress, sadness and raise ur strength just only reciting Holy Quran, pray for Allah.....after that think positively..think the happiness n try to smile as much as u can, just think dat with the hardship, there is relief....Insya Allah ur problem n difficulties will gone far away from you....we are not alone...just think about it...
kte stju ngn awk..srnok bc blog awk dba..
thanx to fatin,,,when u happy i'm also happy,,saya cuba untuk menulis sesuatu yang boleh memberi perangsang dan motivasi kepada diri saya dan juga orang lain,,=)
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